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uVernal Matcha





Organic Matcha 4 Oz. (113 Gr.)

100% Organic Matcha

  • Increase Memory & Concentration
  • Antioxidants Powerhouse*
  • Stimulate Metabolism
  • Energy Booster
  • Fat Blocker

A fine milled power derived from green tea leaves Camellia Sinensis. Emerald green  in color with a refreshing vegetal taste of the Matcha tea leaves.

Rich in polyphenols L-theanine with extensive research linking it to many health benefits.

Can be used in ice-cream, beverages, bakery products, confections, yogurt, cakes, desserts, liquors and nutritional bars and as tea drink.


INGREDIENTS: Green Tea Power


DIRECTIONS: Recommended daily dose 1 tsp once or twice a day.






Organic Ceremonial Matcha 2 Oz. (60 Gr.)


INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Matcha Green Tea Powder

Grade: Ceremonial

  1. Preperation:Fill the Matcha bowl about 1/3 with water to preheat it.
  2. Place the whisk facing down into the water to get the tips of the prongs wet, but avoid getting water on the handle. Set the whisk aside.
  3. Once the bowl has been heated, pour out the water and dry the bowl.
  4. Use the bamboo scoop to put 1-2 scoops. Now you'll need some water that is 70-80 °C 70 ml to the bowl.
  5. When whisking, try not to scrape the whisk along the bottom of the bowl, but to let it float just above it.



*This Statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.









Matcha Whisk and Spoon