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Tai Chi

Ginseng Royal Jelly* (10 ml x 30 Vials)






Ginseng Royal Jelly* (10 ml x 30 Vials)

Ginseng Royal Jelly has long been a source for nutrition throughout the world. For full flavor chill, drink full strength using enclosed straws. Extract can also be diluted in hot or cold water, tea or fruit juice for a refreshing beverage.

Ingredients: Water extracts of Ginseng, Honey and Royal jelly.

Content: Each bottle containing 10 ml an extract from 2000mg of red panax ginseng plus 400 mg royal jelly.


One bottle daily in the morning or before sleep.

*This statement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product are not intended to  diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Panax Ginseng Extract 5000mg* (10 ml x 30 Vials)





Panax Ginseng Extract 5000mg* (10 ml x 30 Vials)

Panax Ginseng the root of Araliaceae, is a precious natural herb grown at Mt Chang Bai of China.

Ingredients: Distilled water, Panax Ginseng Extract in Honey base.

Content: Each 10ml (0.35 Fl.oz) bottle contains a pure ginsenoside extract from 5000mg of Premium quality panax Ginseng Roots.


One or two bottles  each day early in the day so the stimulating qualities don't interfere with sleep. For full flavor drink using the enclosed straws. Taste the potent strength. Extract can also be diluted in hot or cold water for a refreshing and natural herbal  beverage.

*This statement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product are not intended to  diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.