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Magic Drops

Ginseng Royal Jelly (30 Vials)






Ginseng Royal Jelly (30 Vials)

In many cultures, Ginseng has long been valued as a precious gift nature for its treasured constituents. Royal Jelly is the main source of the food for the queen bee. The queen been has a lift span of 40 times longer than the worker bee and could lay more than 2,000 eggs during the reproduction period, and the total weight of which is amazingly greater than her own.

This quality product is blend of careful selected and prepared pure ginseng extract and fresh royal jelly with the advanced technology, and only the finest ingredients are used.

Ingredients: Ginseng extract and royal jelly in honey base, less than 0.5% Alcohol.

Directions: One bottles daily in the morning and before sleep. Drink with the straw enclosed. Shake well before serving. Keep in a cool place.