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Red Panax Ginseng Extractum (30 Vials)




Red Panax Ginseng Extractum (30 Vials)

PINE BRAND RED PANAX GINSENG EXTRACT is the first and original Red Panax Ginseng Extract to be imported into the U. S. and has been available in the U.S. health and mass market for the last 30 years. Using the most advanced standardized extraction process and only genuine six year old roots from China Mount Chang Pai grown Panax Ginseng, we present to you the finest quality Red Panax Ginseng Extract, which has been the number one selling brand in the U.S.

Majority of ginseng plants is harvested when they are between 4 to 6 year of  age otherwise they could rot underground. Clinical test results show that the optimal daily dosage is about 2000mg Long-term consumption of extract over the recommended dosage could cause chronic toxicity.


As a dietary supplement, 1 or 2 bottles may be taken daily. Residue does not affect the quality or this product. Shake well before using, insert the straw completely to drink contents.